Quiet Man Irish Pub

271 Racecourse Road, Flemington
03 9376 6232
Pub Food


  • Beef & Guiness Pie
  • Irish Stew Cob Loaves
  • Garlic Bread
  • Potato Mash

The Good

The Garlic Bread was surprisingly delicious. Being such a staple, this pub definitely brought it to the next level. Buttery, aromatic garlic butter was combined with actual bits of chopped garlic to create an authentic garlic bread. Toasted just right, each bite provided the perfect crunch.

The Beef & Guiness Guinness Pie was exceptional. Hidden underneath the flakey pie crust was a rich, hearty beef stew that was bursting with flavours of beef and Guinness and made for the perfect flavours profile. The beef within was plentiful, braised extremely soft and tender. The Guiness aroma was unapologetic and bold, which added to the richness of the stew within the pie.

The chips here definitely deserve a special mention. Lightly battered and fried to golden brown, the outer had a light and flakey crunch and was well complemented by the soft and airy inner. These chips were absolutely flawless, and is THE standard that all chips should aspire to. Absolutely amazing and it definitely kept me wanting for more.

Unsurprisingly, the Irish Stew was very well made. The thick, flavourful stew overflowed the huge bowl made out of fresh and crunchy Cobb Loaf. Flavours were extremely palatable and the ingredients were fresh and applied liberally. Combined with the bread bowl, this dish was so big that we didn't stand a chance of polishing it off.

While unconventional, this Potato Mash was certainly delicious nonetheless. Contrasting traditional smooth mash, this one had small but obvious chunks of unmashed potatoes within, providing an interesting texture. Otherwise, the mash was quite pleasant and had a great balance in flavour, with a rich and full potato aroma that was neither too rich nor buttery.

The Mediocre


The Bad


The Verdict

Overall a very enjoyable meal that turned out much much better than your traditional pub grub. The execution for all the dishes were flawless on the most part and made for a pretty delicious and authentic Irish experience.

Would Penguin Eat Again?

Absolutely. Those chips were to die for. Seriously.

And that Guinness Beef pie ranks among the best pies I've ever had, regardless of Melbourne or the UK.

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