Highlander Bar
11A Highlander Lane, Melbourne
03 9620 2228
Bar Food, Burger, Burgers
- Fat Bastard Burger
- Fish and Chips
- Tattie Scones
The Good
The Fat Bastard Burger was definitely a looker and was rather enjoyable. The highlight was undoubtedly the enormous, thick double beef patties, both of which were soft, juicy and well seasoned despite being cooked all the way through. The two slices of cheese draped on top were serviceable, though lacked depth of flavour. All smothered in a generous helping of barbecue, mustard and tomato sauces and served in a toasted crispy brioche, this simple combination definitely satisfied.
The Mediocre
The Fish and Chips were unfortunately rather lacklustre. The sheer size of the fillet was probably the only good thing going for the dish, as the basa itself was incredibly bland and devoid of flavour. Granted, it was tender and fried rather well, but you can only do so much with old, frozen produce. The batter was oily and dense, as opposed to flakey and crispy. The saving grace may just be the fries, which were just fine, perhaps thanks to an abundance of parpika smothered on top.
The Bad
The Tattie Scones were downright disgusting. Erring on being burnt and carrying a savoury and old oil smell, these pastries were far from the scones we were so used to. The dense, chewy texture didn’t impressed, nor did the plain sour cream nor slices of sprig onion sprinkled on top. Needless to say, we left most of it untouched.
The Verdict
This pub meal dished up by Highlander Bar was unimpressive at best. While their burgers may be serviceable, all other items we sampled today were clearly prepared without much thought and care. The unremarkable results speak for themselves really.
Would Penguin Eat Again?
It may probably be worth a venture for their burger specials running almost daily. However, there are simply too many other places that offer up a much better feed at a more agreeable price.